The Kansas City area is no stranger to ground squirrels causing issues in yards, farmlands, and gardens. Their diets prominently feature the seeds and bulbs of plants, which earns them a less-than-favorable reputation with farmers and gardeners. Ground squirrels aren't typically found inside homes, but they can certainly get into homes if they wish. If you start experiencing ground squirrel problems, call Critter Control of Kansas City today, or contact us here!
Getting Rid of Ground Squirrels
Though fences typically guard against the foraging of crop pests, ground squirrels are talented diggers and often burrow under such barriers.
- The cost and time required to effectively employ baits and traps make them unfavorable options.
- Habitat modification, such as removing brush piles, is the best method of ground squirrel control as it helps limit their hideouts and makes areas less favorable to nesting.
Ground Squirrel Damage
While their diet includes several harmful insects and their presence can be considered beneficial, ground squirrels still eat a variety of both cash crops and ornamental plants. Their burrowing leaves holes in the ground that can make mowing difficult, dehydrate tree roots, and weaken the foundation of structures. Additionally, ground squirrels can host parasitic ticks, lice, mites, and fleas.
Full-Service Ground Squirrel Trapping and Removal
The best way to control and manage ground squirrels is by contacting licensed pest professionals. Specialists eradicate populations both humanely and effectively, as well as find ways to keep the rodents from returning. Critter Control of Kansas City's technicians have the tools, knowledge, and experience to trap and remove ground squirrels in a way that is safe for both the animal and any people involved.
We can help you get rid of ground squirrel problems. Call Critter Control of Kansas City today! (913) 912-8985
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