Kansas City Pack Rat Control


Are pack rats known to enter homes or yards?
While they don't typically enter human dwellings, pack rats sometimes move into infrequently used structures, such as cabins and specialty vehicles. The rodents don't usually nest in yards, either, as their diets are diverse and peculiar. Private property rarely offers them the means of survival they're used to out in the wild. As such, human and woodrat interaction is only sparingly reported.


Do pack rats harm people or property?
Even given their limited contact with humans, woodrats are capable of destruction. Some species are pests of the agricultural industry because they debark citrus and other fruit trees. They are also carriers of disease, most notably plague, and vectors for fleas, ticks, roundworms, and botflies. Finally, pack rats often shred upholstered furniture in search of nest materials and gnaw on electrical wires when they take up residence in scarcely-used vehicles.Pack rat management in Kansas City

Control & Safety

Means of pack rat prevention are very similar to those of Norway and roof rats. Sanitation is paramount and buildings should be regularly vacuumed. Unnecessary clutter should be removed from attics and basements. Possible points of entry should be sealed by replacing broken window and door screens, adding barriers to chimneys and vents, and calking cracks in the foundation of buildings. Finally, keep vegetation in yards well-maintained so as to cut down on possible nesting places.

Trapping & Removal

Since they carry diseases and are wild animals, pack rats should never be handled by untrained individuals. If there is a rat infestation, professionals should be called to deal with the problem. The technicians at Critter Control of Kansas City have the tools necessary to trap the rodents safely and humanely, as well as prevent them from returning.

We can help you get rid of pack rat problems. Call Critter Control of Kansas City today! (913) 912-8985

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Pack Rats
Animals or rodents in the attic or kitchen? Rodent droppings in your home? Those scurrying and scampering critter sounds in the attic may well be pack rats. Contact your local Critter Control for effective pack rat removal and exclusion services. Call Critter Control of Kansas City today! (913) 912-8985
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